Cam Pedersen
Cam PedersenEngineer, Runner, Optimist

Enums vs String Literals in TypeScript

August 06, 2020

I've been fighting with enums in TypeScript this week. Specifically, whether it's better to use a string literal type or enum to represent a reused value.

They're both appropriate ways to define and constrain uses of a string-based value, but there are some subtle differences both in how TypeScript treats them and their ergonomics.

String literal types

String literal types are straightforward:

type Color = 'red' | 'orange' | 'yellow' | 'blue' | 'indigo' | 'violet';

These are interesting (and useful) because Color is a subset of string but string is not a subset of Color.

type Nanometers = number;
const getWavelength = (color: Color): Nanometers => {
  if (color === 'red') {
    return 700;
  } else if (color === 'orange') {


Since this type doesn't create a value, no code is generated, and it's only used at compile time.


Enum types look really similar on the surface:

enum Color {

But these will generate a value with the following JS code:

var Color;
(function (Color) {
  Color[(Color['red'] = 0)] = 'red';
  Color[(Color['orange'] = 1)] = 'orange';
  Color[(Color['yellow'] = 2)] = 'yellow';
  Color[(Color['blue'] = 3)] = 'blue';
  Color[(Color['indigo'] = 4)] = 'indigo';
  Color[(Color['violet'] = 5)] = 'violet';
})(Color || (Color = {}));

String enums

You can also attach other information to them, what we call a string enum:

enum Color {
  Error = 'red',
  Danger = 'orange',
  Attention = 'yellow',
  Info = 'blue',
  Success = 'indigo',
  Fun = 'violet',

This will make the compiled code a bit smaller:

var Color;
(function (Color) {
  Color['Error'] = 'red';
  Color['Danger'] = 'orange';
  Color['Attention'] = 'yellow';
  Color['Info'] = 'blue';
  Color['Success'] = 'indigo';
  Color['Fun'] = 'violet';
})(Color || (Color = {}));

And by using this object, we can avoid allocating strings at runtime:

const getWavelength = (color: Color): Nanometer => {
  if (color === Color.Error) {
    return 700;
  } else if (color === 'orange') {

will compile down to:

const getWavelength = (color) => {
  if (color === Color.Error) {
    return 700;
  } else if (color === 'orange') {

This makes sense, but they're really similar in this situation. The real difference is how they are used in a larger codebase.


There's a situation I ran into that challenged my assumptions. Let's say you have a configuration object, a big JSON blob, that you want to make sure is typesafe. You can use that to predictable render different UI based on the data.

type Color = 'red' | 'orange' | 'yellow' | 'blue' | 'indigo' | 'violet';

type Message = {
  title: string;
  color: Color;

const data = [
    title: 'This is an error!',
    color: 'red',
    title: 'You have successfully adopted a dog',
    color: 'violet',

const MessageCenter = ({messages}: {messages: Message[]}) => (
    { => (
      <div style={{color: message.color}}>{message.title}</div>

<MessageCenter messages={data} />;

This won't compile!

Type '{ title: string; color: string; }[]' is not assignable to type
'Message[]'. Type '{ title: string; color: string; }' is not assignable to type
'Message'. Types of property 'color' are incompatible. Type 'string' is not
assignable to type 'Color'.

We need to hint to the compiler that the object contains a Color:

const data: Message[] = [


  color: 'red' as Color,

What smells?

This is a code smell to me, but as far as I know you can't lint for it. It's unnecessary code that will rot over time and unclear if it can be deleted. The only important thing important here is the data, and the compiler should be able to figure out what type it is.

With an enum this hinting is unnecessary because the value includes the type information:

enum Color {
  Error = 'red',
  Danger = 'orange',
  Attention = 'yellow',
  Info = 'blue',
  Success = 'indigo',
  Fun = 'violet',

const MessageData = [
    title: 'This is an error!',
    color: Color.Error,
    title: 'You have successfully adopted a dog',
    color: Color.Fun,

<MessageCenter messages={data} />;

This also comes with the benefit of not allocating individual strings for every Message.color.

So should I always use enums then?

Nope. With all this said, I prefer string literal types outside of this situation. The less code you ship the better, and as stated above enums will generate a value via compiled JS. If you don't need to attach extra info (like a name, or display value) to the data, a string literal will do just fine to define your object and give you that sweet TS autocompletion.

I could be wrong

If you have different opinions I would love to hear. Shoot me an email and let's talk about types!

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